Jon Ewton
Lead Pastor
Watchmen | Sent Series
Sent is a series in the Book of Acts. As Paul is saying goodbye to the elders in the church of Ephesus, he gives them a special challenge. They are to be watchmen for the church, standing on the wall ready to call out the dangers to the church.
Relationships in Disrepair | Pen Pals Series
Pen Pals is a short series about short books of the Bible in the New Testament. All short letters written, each letter has a unique audience, message, and purpose for the church. In Philemon, Paul is addressing a broken relationship that needs mending. We all have been there. How does the Gospel encourage us to heal broken relationships?
Healing | Prepared Series
Prepared is a series that is to help the church prepare for what God might be doing in our community. How can we go forward after a hard season of pandemic and political strife? The church must be prepared and learn the lessons from the pandemic.
Forgiveness | Prepared Series
Prepared is a series that is to help the church prepare for what God might be doing in our community. How can we go forward after a hard season of pandemic and political strife? The church must be prepared and learn the lessons from the pandemic.
The Picture of Jesus | The 7 Churches
Shortly after the introduction of the Book of Revelation, John describes Jesus. The descriptions of Jesus are powerful and awe inspiring. The goal of this sermon was to encourage the church to be in AWE of our amazing savior Jesus Christ.
The Church of of Ephesus | The 7 Churches​
After all the introductions we get into the meat of the passage. When Jesus Christ ascended, He left the church, his witness to the world. The Church, through the power of the Holy Spirit, has the mission to go and make disciples of all nations. In Revelation, God is refining and preparing the church through a very simple pattern. 1. This is what you look like. 2. This is what you must do. 3. This is what God will do.
The letters to the churches are a message to all churches for all times for His church to be edified and grow.
Prologue | The 7 Churches
Usually the Prologue is that part of the book you skip to get to the good stuff. But the Prologue teaches us WHY we are going to read what we are going to read. The prologue tells us WHAT we are going to read. This sermon is the first of a series in Revelation to set up a study on the 7 churches. The goal of this series to be challenged to allow the Lord to refine His church in the times we are living through today.